Causes For Dark Eyes Circles & Eye Bag

Some example causes dark eyes circles :
Heredity - If your parents or relatives have dark circles, then you are likely to be genetic ! Skin around the eye socket naturally than the other parts of darker skin pigmentation and dark gray.

Sun exposure - Sunlight exposure also cause excessive eye skin pigmentation. Because of the strong ultraviolet rays make the skin pigment moved to the surface, the eye's skin is no exception.

Fatigue - A lack of sleep or excessive tiredness can cause paleness of the skin, allowing the blood underneath the skin to become more visible and appear bluer or darker.

Age - With age , dark circles will gradually become more pronounced, eye wrinkles also make dark circles appear more prominent.

Nutrition - If the lack of food nutrition, or nutritional intake imbalance, can lead to skin darkening eye.

Causes for eye bags :
Eye bags are caused by fluids which are being trapped in the tissues located under the eyes. Eyes' puffiest moments are upon waking up. This happens because the fluids, while you were sleeping, have settled in the eye area.

